@trigger is used to trigger when effect or state dispatch fires
@trigger(action, options?)
// The action name will be `{sink}/{effect|state}`
type action = string
interface options {
// trigger excution order, default 0
priority?: number;
// lazy loaded trigger will excute after action, default true
lazyLoad?: boolean;
// pass raw action object to trigger function, default false
rawAction?: boolean;
// formatter use to arguments before it hits trigger function
formatter?: Function;
import { sink, state, effect } from 'redux-sink';
export class WeatherSink {
@state humidity = 0;
@state weather = {
temperature: 0,
humidity: 0
// when weather action dispatches, set humidity as same as weather
@trigger('weather/weather', { formatter: (weather) => weather.humidity })
function weatherTrigger(humidity ) {
this.humidity = humidity;
the trigger is a powerful tool for make redux as an event sourcing system, but may cause infinity loop to redux actions when setting bad triggers, be careful when using it